Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hailey is 5 Months Old!

Dear Nathan, Hannah and Hailey, 

I really need to come up with an abbreviated name for all three of you kids if I'm going to write these letters to you each week. I better put my thinking cap on and get on it. 

This week you big kids have been very interested in playing with dolls. Fights have broken out over who gets what baby, and then there are times where the babies are simply thrown in a corner and left to fend for themselves. One day, Hailey was being pretty fussy around the time I needed to make dinner. So we all wore our babies around the house as we got stuff done. 

 It's amazing what strangers can get you guys to do. It doesn't matter if we've told you this 100 times before, but when someone comes to school and tells you something once, it automatically becomes the gospel truth. Last week a dentist came to your school to talk about dental hygiene. You should floss after every meal. Hannah took this pretty literally and was flossing after every bite.
 Hannah, you have started to be a little more interested in Perler beading. You can sit down for a longer period of time to work on a project. Here, you are making a pretty awesome rapping banana. He became an internet sensation back in the early 2000's. Here's the link: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

And Nathan, you worked on an R2D2 for your friend, Parker. He turned 4 this month.
 So naturally, he had a birthday party. Of the birthday parties that we've been to, this one was very impressive. BB-8 pinata, made by Parker's mom herself...

 there were light saber battles, games, and lots of yummy food. And since Parker has a peanut allergy to, we didn't have to be hyper vigilant about Nathan being exposed to any peanut candies or sandwiches.

On Sunday, Hailey and I went over to our friends, the Browns to prepare an Indian feast. Hailey made friends really quickly. 

 On Tuesday, we all went over to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The big kids sat at the kids table and you all told each other jokes, while taking bites once in awhile.
 As you can see, it was quite the feast. I had sent over a list of options that we could make, and we ended up making everything! What a treat!

Hailey, I think you are finally over that horrible 4 month sleep regression. You are generally more happy and content. Night time feedings are now short, especially now that you are sleeping with me. But I think this sleeping arrangement will have to change soon because you are getting into the habit of nursing to sleep. 

You are extremely social and will give anyone who interacts with you a coy little smile, which is definitely a crowd pleaser. 
 The other night I noticed that Hannah was being a little bossy, telling what Nathan should and shouldn't do. I asked you, "Do you boss the other kids around at school too?" You then replied, "When I do, the teachers always ask me, Hannah, are you the teacher? And then I say, [with a silly expression on your face] no, I'm not.]

At least you know that you are bossy.

For craft time this week, we painted wooden Easter eggs. It was fun just to sit down and hang out with you two, crafting and relaxing.
Hailey, you pretty much gets hungry anytime you smell food. It doesn't matter if I just fed you, but you start to get as cranky as the granny on a Snickers bar commercial. So one morning as I was making Hannah and Nathan's sandwiches, I gave you a little taste of avocado. You liked it! 
So far you have not given me the "yuck" face on any solid food that I've exposed you to. You may be our best eater yet.

Hailey, after your leap, you are sleeping a little longer now a days. 14-15 hours a day, as opposed to the 12-13 hour days. I think this is closer to what all the guidelines on sleep say. You are taking 2 longer naps, once from 10-12ish and then another from 2-4ish. Around dinner, you'll snooze for about 15 minutes and then go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. You wake up between 10:30 and 11:30 for a quick feed and afterwards, you'll probably wake up around 2 times to feed, but you quickly fall back asleep. I'm pretty much half-asleep during this time, so I don't even bother keeping track. But I usually see the clock at either 2:00, 4:00 or 6:00 am on a regular basis, so I think its safe to say that you then wake up every 2-4 hours. You are also feeding 7 times a day and you just hit 13 pounds this week. I've been weighing you every night during the growth spurt and in the span of 2 days, you grew 5 oz. Crazy, right?

Well, that's about it for now. Sorry for the late post, I hosted a craft night at our house last night, so instead of blogging, I was crafting.


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