Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hailey turns 6 Months Old!

Dear Hailey, 
Yesterday was your half birthday. I can't believe 6 months have flown by so quickly. And to think you will soon be crawling! Crazy. 
We went to the doctor today for your check up and everything looks pretty good. You took both shots with just a bit of whimpering and you sucked the rotovirus vaccine down like it was candy and you wanted more of it as the nurse took the vial away. 

You are measuring on the light side, 13 pounds and 4 ounces. The doctor says that while you are on the low end of the growth chart, he's not too concerned because starting solids should help you gain a bit more weight. He'll check back with us in a month in a half to see how you are growing. If you have dropped one more line on the growth chart, he will start to get concerned, but hopefully you stay or even jump back to where you were. 

Length-wise, you are in the 74th percentile, so like Nathan, you are a banana baby. 
 You enjoy eating food from the feeder. You sometimes like yogurt, avocado, and today I gave you mango mixed with egg yolk, which you really liked.
 You are definitely noticing Nathan and Hannah more. You are always looking to see where they are, what they are doing, and when they are close, you like to grab their faces, or hair.
See that little hand, sneaking up? 
They both adore you and always want to take pictures with you. Usually when they act crazy, that makes you laugh. 

Other things that make you laugh are silly faces, pictures of dogs in books, and Teddy. 
 You are now wearing size 2 diapers and 6-9 month clothing. You love standing and walking with assistance. You get this excited look on your face as if you were saying, "look at me! I did it!"It's adorable.

You are still sleeping for 3 hour stretches, although you did tease me with a 5 hour stretch 3 nights ago. You typically will fall asleep at around 8, wake up at 11:00 for a feed, another one at 2:30, and another one right before 6. Sometimes you wake up at 7, sometimes you will sleep until just before 8. And then you will go down for a nap after being awake for about 2 hours. Sometimes you take 30 minute naps, other times you take up to 2 hour naps. I find that if I feed you right before you sleep, you will take the longer one.

Things are slowly starting to fall into more of a predictable schedule, which makes life significantly less stressful. This is where parenting a newborn starts to become fun (in my opinion).

Dear Nathan and Hannah,
You two sure keep me on my toes all day. After realizing how limited of a time I'm going to have with Nathan, I've been trying to carve more time out of my day to spend with you two. Instead of getting stuff done while Hailey is asleep, I will make it a point to spend some time with each of you. With Hannah, it's usually playing dolls, and with Nathan, it's usually playing board games.

Last Friday we had our monthly family gathering at church. This month's service project involved helping the Easter bunny stuff eggs for an egg hunt that is being put on by a smaller church down the road. The eggs were tough to snap, so you guys each helped stuff 3-4 eggs and then ran off to play. Together, the parents stuffed about 600 eggs. I'd say it was a success.
 The next morning, we attended an Easter event put on by the Oak Hill fire department. It was small, but lots of fun.
 You guys even got to ride inside a helicopter. I wish I could ride in a helicopter...

 The egg hunt was pretty exciting. It was really fun watching all the kids race down this large hill to pick up eggs along the way. It kind of reminded me of a scene from the Hunger Games, without any lives being taken.
 In the end, you all got a pretty good harvest of eggs. You guys did pretty good with not eating any of the candy. Remember, we gave up eating candy until Easter. You both asked, thinking there was a fair chance of it being Easter, but after I shared with you the news that Easter was in a week, you both put the candy back into your basket and kept on truckin'. I seriously thought that I was going to have to put up a fight and even take out the "think about Jesus" card (which I have used several times these past few weeks). But I didn't.

 Daddy left to go play hockey half way through the event, so we did the rest of the activities without him. We stood in line to get your faces painted.

 And you guys even participated in an obstacle course
 which involves saving a kid (which Hannah carried without a sense of urgency and Nathan flung the kid about 10 feet towards the end. I now know who I need to ask to save me in case of an emergency: Hailey)
 and putting out a "fire" with a real fire hose.
 In the end you all got a firefighter helmet. As we walked away, Nathan, I heard you exclaim, that was so cool! I think I want to be a firefighter.
 For craft time this week, we dyed Easter eggs. It ended up be a quick experiment on color mixing because Hannah has forgotten what primary colors make when you mix 2 colors together.

The Oak pollen has quarantined us indoors for the most part. You two seem to be fine with allergy medicine, but with breastfeeding, I'm afraid to take anything beyond a nasal steroid. Under extreme circumstances, I will take a 4-hour pill, but I've been trying to survive without.

Well, this Sunday is Easter, so we will be having more fun then. Until next week,

Spring Break Playdates and Renaissance Festival

Dear Kids, 
This post is a week late because last week allergies have made me exhausted by the end of the day. Plus it was a MOPS and Academy 4 day on Friday, so I spent my "free" time prepping for those events. 

Well, after what seemed like an eternity of just staying home and going to school, we ventured out for playdates during spring break and on the weekend, took advantage of no Chinese school to visit Sherwood forest. (More on that later) 
For our MOPS playdate, we met up with a few other moms at Zilker and rode the Zephyr. You two rode with your new friend/neighbor all by youurselves (with no adult). 
 Hailey even was awake for her very first ride!

When we first arrived at Sherwood forest, you guys were not quite sure what to expect or think. People dressed in weird costumes, taking in funny accents, in the middle of nowhere this was unlike anything you have done before.

We convinced you guys to help out with the maypole dance.
 And of course, we got a turkey leg (or two).
 Rode ponies
 watched various silly shows
 even Hailey was mesmerized!

 Hannah even wrote a big horse! You couldn't climb onto the horse, so you backed up a bit and took a leap from the platform to mount the horse. Everyone around did a double take and made some sort of comment on what a tough girl you are.
 Hannah, you are my tough girl. I am so proud of the strong little personality that you have become. You are quite the actress as you are animated and expressive. As you ride over the hump of 3.5, I'm starting to see the three-nager stage fade away, to make room for the fantastic 4 stage. Don't get me wrong, there's still a lot of three-nager attitude and melt-downs, but it seems like you are starting to be more pleasant to be around.

You are also working on defining your sense of style. Now I want to remind you, a few good guidelines to follow are 1)crazy print + solid generally works well and 2) all things beautiful put together do not make more beautiful. Cute, but not exactly beautiful. Case in point below. 

Your Designer Ballgown

Until next post, (which I'm going to work on right now)


Thursday, March 15, 2018

24 hours of no crying at 24 Weeks

Dear Hailey,
You've been here with us for 168 days. Today is the first day in your life where you have shed no tears! This is the best. birthday. present. ever!  The first 3 months it was the car seat and colic that caused many tears to be shed. And then at 4 months, there has always been some crying before bedtime.  This week while talking to another mom about how you are as a baby, the answer just came out of my mouth and subconsciously, I had an "Aha! Moment."  I've been putting you down for sleep too late, missing the window of sleepiness, causing you to be overtired!  (one day, you will find out that it's extra tough for babies to fall asleep when they are overtired.) I was thinking this whole time that you needed to be put down after 2 hours of awake time, but really it's more like an 1.5 hours after a short nap, or 1:45 after a longer nap. I remember reading somewhere that I needed to build up a sufficient sleep deficit for you to sleep longer. Nope. Sleep begets sleep. This ancient piece of wisdom holds true for you.

This has also been spring break for Nathan and Hannah, so I took advantage of not having to be anywhere to figure out how to get you to sleep better, tear-free. After a few days of experimenting, I've finally figured out a "sweet spot" during your awake time to put you down for a nap. (Of course this will be different in a few weeks) but I'm just now starting to be able to read your cues.

Other things you are doing:
Chewing on your fingers. It seems like you have your fingers in your mouth 70% of the time. I'm thinking you have some pearly whites that are working their way through.

You are a champ at holding up your head. I like this picture below. It's your model pose.
You also love sucking on your toes, especially during diaper changes.
And you are more aware of your surroundings now. You are always grabbing things and making a scratching motion with your hands to feel the texture? You often "scratch" at my skin when we are nursing. A good reminder for me to file your nails more often.
For the past week after I've put you down in your crib, you will immediately roll over on your back, cry a bit and then fall asleep on your back. But earlier this week, you've figured out how to roll back onto your tummy to sleep and since then, if you roll onto your back, you will eventually roll back onto your tummy to go to sleep. I sigh a big sigh of relief because you tend to be able to fall back asleep after a sleep cycle when you are on your tummy. 

You've got eczema on your cheeks from drooling while you sleep, but that goes away quickly if we moisturize and use a little bit of hydrocortisone. Overall, you are a very happy baby. You laugh at yourself when you look in the mirror, and you smile back at most strangers when they give you attention.

You are definitely showing more interest in food because we have had several close calls where you are grabbing at my plate or bowl when we are sitting at the dinner table together.
Dear Hannah,
It must be so tough living life as a 3 and a half year old. There's still a lot that you are trying to figure out these days and we are all trying to be as patient as possible with you. You are definitely our stronger willed child and everyday I am trying to figure out how to channel that positively, while careful not to squelch that spirit.

You really are just grumpy when you are tired or hungry. It seems like you are always hungry, so days when you are literally propping your head up with your fingers as you haphazardly grab and shove food into your face, all the while with your eyelids drooping, tired, it can be a bit frustrating for us.
But normally, you are determined and very independent. You want to do everything on your own (except when you are tired): dress yourself, put your shoes on, put jacket on, etc. Sometimes I question your taste in outfit choice, but most of the time it is cute to watch you pair all the items of clothing you think are pretty together. Pretty + Pretty = Extra pretty, right?

Recently you've graduated from using plastic cutlery to rounded edge Cutco knife. You were very determined and cut baked tofu into pretty uniformly sized pieces.
Earlier this week we had daylight savings time. In the past we would move your bedtime up 5 minutes every 2 days starting a week before the actual time change. This time, we just adjusted everything in one day and you all did great. I, on the other hand, had a more difficult time adjusting. One day, I just had to take a nap. So, I turned on a movie and fell asleep on the couch with Hailey while you both watched Cinderella. When the movie was over, Nathan went upstairs and you announced that you were hungry. Groggily, I told you to go get an orange or apple because I knew you could peel or eat those independently. I heard you dig around the fridge, and then you walked over with a mango in your hand. I told you to let me sleep for 5 more minutes and I would help you slice up the mango. You immediately responded with,
"Well, if you are not going to help me now, I'm going to do it myself." Mostly awake at this point, I decided to humor myself and let you have at it while I rested a bit longer on the couch.

You finished, came over with mango juice all over your face, so I asked you to wash your hands, which you did and then you ran upstairs to join Nathan. I get up to see the damage:

I was surprised to find that you had put a cutting board on top of a placemat at your seat and did a great job at slicing up and eating up the mango. The table wasn't even sticky! You are only 3 and half years old! Wow. Oh, and get this. One day, you randomly announced that you wanted to become a scientist. You can imagine how giddy I got to hearing this. You even drew a picture of "science" and then asked me how to spell "scientist." I dictated the spelling and you wrote it all out by yourself. Totally so proud of you! 

So, like I mentioned earlier, we have pretty much stayed at home this week. This past weekend, we attended 2 birthday parties in the neighborhood and then on Monday, we had another friend from the neighborhood come over for a play date. 

Oak pollen has started to creep up on the radar, so we've been staying outside for only a bit before my nose gets itchy. So, I'm thinking we only have a few more days of playing outside before we have to quarantine ourselves for a few weeks until the oak trees drop their pollen pods.

Today a friend invited us out to the Thinkery. We had not gone in at least 5 months and we were pleasantly surprised to find a new exhibit there.

Definitely much cooler than the exhibit it replaced. After 5 years, they've finally changed things up a bit. I may reconsider renewing our membership there so Hannah and Hailey can play while Nathan is at Kindergarten next school year.

**Also super proud of myself for surviving the Thinkery/Bao'd Up/Ranch Market 99 outing solo with 3 kids.

Dear Nathan,
I don't know if its being cooped up with 3 girls has gotten to you, but this week, you've shown to lack anger management skills. The smallest things would cause you to show an angry face, growl, and throw objects within reach. I was at my wits end on what to do because Daniel Tiger's song, "Stomp 3 times and you'll feel better." was not working. So it worked out perfectly that the Super Why episode a few days ago talked about "Compromise." I sat and watched it with you guys and I've been finding ways to reinforce that concept. I think it's helped. You have been a much more reasonable kid since then.

Another milestone that Nathan's slowly developing is the ability to read. Daddy's been doing storytime with you guys so there's been days when I finish with Hailey during storytime and as I walk by your room, I hear you reading a book out loud to Daddy and Hannah. This is pretty exciting!

Well, this week has been a week of accomplishments. I'm looking forward to many more. This weekend we have Auntie Momo visiting us and maybe the Renaissance Festival. Until next week,