This week Hailey is sleeping closer to 2 hour stretches at night. I sure do miss the 3 hour long ones, but since I'm expecting this (and know that all this is temporary) it is not as bad this time around.
Thanks to our doctor, who told us about the 6th "S" of baby calming: Simethicone. We started using it last week and immediately noticed a difference in how well she sleeps. As long as I hold her for about 7-9 minutes after feeding before putting her down at night, she will stay asleep. She is more prone to gas and spitting up now a days.
Most of the time I can put Hailey down drowsy and then pat her to sleep, but sometimes I really have to just nurse her to sleep (especially on days where she doesn't get to take good naps).
Here are the many (cute) looks of Hailey.
She absolutely hates being left alone for more than 3 minutes and absolutely dislikes being in the car seat. She will cry and cry the moment her bottom touches the seat. Car rides are pretty miserable these days. She loves being in the baby balboa sling and will fall asleep easily when being carried around in it. However, after being in it too long, she is very good about letting you know that she is sick and tired of being cramped in there.
Dear Nathan and Hannah,
You two continue to adjust to being big brother and sister pretty well. I think the fact that you both have each other to play with is a huge help. While Hannah is starting to show a bit of defiance, we figured out that you were just needing a little bit more attention from me.
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Even with such a big couch, you guys like to sit right next to each other. |
Hannah, you did a lot of the project by yourself, but Daddy still had to help you some...which is totally normal for a 3 year old.
Nathan, you were able to do the whole project by yourself and you proudly told me so as soon as you walked in the door.
Afterwards, we attended the fall festival at AMD, Daddy's work. The even was not as cool as last year, but still fun. You both got something painted. Hannah, you were brave to tell the lady what you wanted all by yourself.
Nathan, you was still coughing, so you had to settle for a bat on your arm.
This may be the first picture I have of all three of you together. This makes my heart swell with joy.
At some point, we all took a group picture with the CEO of the company. In fact, she is standing right behind you two!
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Photo Credit: AMD Twitter |
And on top of the parking garage was a giant Foosball game. Hannah, you wanted to play at first, but when the game got started, you quickly ran out.
Nathan, you stayed and were really proud of your team for winning (despite you kicking the ball the wrong way for the first few minutes).On Sunday, while Nathan went to Chinese school, the girls and I went to Michaels. They had their crafting even going on again and Hannah got to make slime again.
For those of you who don't see me often, you may or may not know how obsessed I am with the Instant Pot - a pressure cooker that has changed my life. I often joke (actually, I'm kind of serious) and say that the 3 things that have changed my life are Jesus, the Instant Pot and Steve. Anyways, since I found out that when using the "Saute" function, the top of the pot does not get hot, Hannah, you've been able to help with cooking. This extra responsibility that you can handle has made you overly confident in your kitchen skills, as one day, you were convinced that you were ready to use the adult knives. You ended up cutting your finger just a bit, so now you've learned your lesson.
You've gotten very stubborn these days (Like with the knife situation). A new phrase that you use is "I want to ___ but I don't want to ___."
- I want to go potty, but I don't want to go.
- I like this meal, but I don't.
- I do, but I don't (after we ask you a question).
You have always been indecisive, always changing your mind, but this takes it to a whole new level! Hopefully this is just a phase and does not become a core part of your personality.
Thursday last week, Hannah, your teachers talked to me after school about how glad they are to have you in their class. This made me cry tears of joy when I heard it. They said that you pick up on things really quickly so during craft time, or station time, they can just send you over to help a friend. So, with your tendency to be a little bit bossy, I hope you don't become too confident about being able to tell other people what to do.
Nathan, you've been quite the crafter this week. You've assembled an entire wooden car all by yourself (and painted it to look like the one on the box) and made 2 ornaments out of perler beads. Your long attention span continues to amaze me.
Hannah, you must be going through a growth spurt because you seem to be always hungry. One day you asked me if you could have a giant apple (this is like the size of your stomach). I told you that it was too big and that maybe we could share. You insisted on eating it yourself. Considering it a battle not worth fighting, I let you have the apple. As you sat by Nathan, watching him play Mario Kart, you slowly chomped on the apple. I continued to prep dinner. After awhile, I walk over to check on you and your had eaten almost the entire thing down to the core!
I'm finding that I need to adjust the cooking portions because you two are now eating a lot more than you used to. I can't even imagine what it would be like when all three of you are full grown. At least you are not all boys (who I know can be voracious eaters).
I apologize about the late post this week. I originally wanted to wait for the results of Hailey and my 6 week check up (which by the way, we are all doing great), but then things got busy and when I finally had a chance to update last night, bed was calling out to me at 8:30. I was exhausted.
Bed calls to me now. Until next week!
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