Dear Nathan, Hannah and Hailey,
Nathan is always attempting something wild and crazy: climbing to dangerous heights; cartwheels (during church even); and crazy jumps on your wheeled vehicles.
Hannah, you seem to move at a sloth's pace (especially when we are running late) and have the (selective) hearing of a 90 year old man.
And Hailey, you are doing a great job at making sure I don't get to complete anything off of my to-do-list. Life for me is a bunch of unfinished tasks, and if you know me, I like to get things completed.
But I know you all do not mean to do things to spite me. I have been reminded that my perspective needs to change. I can still rely on your innocence. I can give you the benefit of doubt when you seem do something mischievous.
So here's a better way to look at things:
To Nathan, life is like an obstacle course and you are simply trying your best to figure it out, to stay one step ahead, all the while, trying to follow the rules that you've been taught along the way.
Hannah, you are just soaking it all up, experiencing different textures, listening to different sounds, and really just enjoying the beauty around you.
And Hailey, you are looking around, drinking milk and sleeping so that you can grow to be big like your brother and sister.
I have to step back and remind myself that you three are all so little: only 5,3 and 2 months old. Sometimes I treat Nathan and Hannah as if you two were much older.
I am quickly reminded of that when I see things like this:
You are simply doing the best that you can and you are really proud of your work.Hannah, you go though periods where you love playing with your baby dolls and then weeks when we don't even know where they are.
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Hailey at 2 Months |
Hannah at 2 Months |
Thanksgiving morning I woke up to you two skating around the house. I was pretty surprised at how well you, Hannah, were skating.
You are now able to skate around on the tile without holding on to anyone!The teachers at gymnastics also told me how you are now able to do more things like skim the cat by yourself (where you do a flip over a bar). And your tuck jumps are improving. We just need to work on your right foot forward gallop.
The weather has seriously been AMAZING! 70 degree weather, with chilly mornings. On Sunday, we visited the wildflower center and went to our family's favorite spot.
As I sat and held Hailey, I just observed you two playing. You both are brave, resilient, and appreciate a good joke. I love the way Nathan, you get this look in your eyes like you are imagining a funny scenario and then you chuckle or laugh like it is so hysterical.
Now that Hailey is cooing more, you two tend to try to talk to her more. Nathan, you are teaching Hailey Chinese and Hannah, you just like to hold Hailey and pet her head. Nathan's also figured out how to always win while playing rock paper scissors (because Hailey always puts out rock).
Hannah you love to try foods as I'm making it. The obvious stuff like cake mix batter can go unsaid, but you also like to try foods before they are cooked. I have to watch you like a hawk so you don't eat a fish scale or a chunk of raw pork.
Oh, and Hannah, you seem to have good control of your bladder now. I think it was getting to be a power struggle between us because you would pretty much refuse to go, even when you were starting to do the wiggle dance. One day, I decided to just let things go, told you that you can go pee in the potty or in a diaper. I also took away negative consequences (no dessert if you wet your undies) and started a reward system with skittles/fruit snacks. A skittle for a trip to the potty. A few days later, something clicked for you. You have been accident free for 3 days!
You weighed in at 10 pounds 8.5 ounces today. Hannah was 11 pounds at 2 months...
Tomorrow we visit the doctor for your 2 month check up. Expect shots.
And today we wrote letters to Santa. Nathan wants legos and a bow and arrow. Hannah wants a gun and eyeballs...
Well, Hailey is up. I gotta go.
Until next week,