Dear Kids,
This week was the last week that Daddy stayed home and we you all have been really productive. I have been sitting at nursing Hailey pretty much all the time.
On a side note, I have now figured out why you all take forever to finish a nursing session. It's actually my fault... apparently let-downs, which are periods of time where milk is released from the breast more quickly, don't take 2-5 minutes to occur for most women. I've been asking around and most of my friends' let downs happen in less than a minute. The quickest one being from 7-15 seconds, to about an average of 30 seconds. This explains why most moms can finish a feeding in about 20 minutes and it takes us twice the time to finish a feeding...which also explains why you guys also eat so slowly.
While I've been fulfilling my role as a set of portable udders, you guys have been working hard, cleaning up the yard. Nathan even got a chance to use the blower. Very exciting.
Nathan, you've caught up on Chinese homework, which you actually really like to do. You can easily finish a week's worth of assignments in one sitting and when you are finished, you actually want to do more. I hope this attitude about homework continues!Hannah's been trying to get in as many cuddles with Hailey as possible. You've been super helpful with getting things for the baby. If I ask you to get my water bottle, you may not agree to help, but if I say it's for the baby, you are very willing to help. Funny how that works...
You guys have also been working on our Halloween costumes. Nathan has done most of the painting on these cars. Daddy paints the outline and you've been filling in the rest with the appropriate color.
Hannah, you tried to help a few times too. But usually you don't last too long due to loss of interest, or you end up with paint all over your tummy, or inside your it got there, still remains a mystery to me.
Hannah has also been helping out with Hailey's bath time.
Monday was Daddy's last day to stay home for this round of paternity leave. Since you both didn't have school, and the weather was beautiful, we decided to meet up with Hope, Mateo and Lucas at the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm to visit their pumpkin patch.
While it was fun, I think it is not as good as the other pumpkin patches that we've been to around Austin.
We rode the tractor train.
And there were lots of little games for the kids to play.
And there were a few farm animals to look at. Pigs, alpaca, bunnies, and maybe some goats.

There was also a hay ride.
El Tigre,
This is the week that El Tigre gets to come home with Nathan. You are so proud of El Tigre and you treat him like he is real and alive. On Tuesday, he at dinner with us,
and went outside to play with us.
Today, Hailey and I went to visit you guys at gymnastics school. I was so impressed with how much stuff you guys do. You all are literally bouncing off the walls, running around, rolling, flipping, doing head stands, nonstop.
I can tell that Hannah, being the youngest in the group still has to catch up with some motor development skills. Nathan, while very athletic, also rushes through his routines, often stumbling. I'm not sure if you are trying too hard to show off because I was there, but kid, slow down!
Newborn Shoot
Yesterday I spent the morning taking lots of pictures of Hailey. I have yet to edit them, but here are a few of my favorites as a sneak preview.
The quilt shown in the first two was made by my dear friend Alicia, owner of stitch-a-story. Isn't it beautiful?
Of course, I had to include a sheep in a few of the shots.
Well, that's about it for now. Until next week!
The quilt it pretty, but the baby is the star of the photo!