Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tis the Season

Dear Nathan and Hannah, 
This week has been a very nice week, almost a turning point in your relationship, for you two are now able to play together, hold a conversation, and not want to hurt each other for a good chunk of time. I'm really enjoying watching your interactions and Hannah simply just adores Nathan and Nathan is starting to realize that Hannah is pretty cool too and not just the annoying little girl who follows you around and copies you all the time. 

On Friday, we had another family service project night at church. This time we made blessing bags for the homeless, filled with things to help battle the bitter cold. The group was a tiny bit smaller than in the past, but we were able to make 22 bags to hand out to those in need. 

On Saturday, we decided to go to Home Depots monthly workshop, but when we arrived, there were no hammers left, so we were able to take the kit home to complete the project. We set up shop in the garage and you two hammered away (with some assistance). 

The hack we recently learned about using a clothes pin to help start the nail works! 

 On Sunday, our new pastor started a Christmas sweater Sunday. I was divinely inspired to make matching family Christmas shirts (this is Texas) and we all sported them on Sunday. Sheep are pretty much adorable. I wonder why I don't applique all my shirts with sheep...
 The weather has been cold and rainy the past 2-3 days. Perfect timing because you guys got to play with this new-to-us light brite set that another mom from church passed down to us.
As we get ready for the Christmas season, I have a renewed sense of appreciation for how our journey prepares us for the things that God has in His plans for us. At a recent MOPS meeting, one of the mentor moms showed us an advent calendar that she had for her children growing up. This helped me understand the role of the calendar and I decided to create one for our family. I think as we repeat the same devotionals each year for the next few years, we will all have a bit of a deeper understanding of the significance of Christmas.
As you can see, we only have 5 ornaments... making 25 ornaments is a bit daunting, so I'm trying to make at least 1 per night (before the night of the reveal). As you can see, I already made the sheep one, hehehe.

I am looking forward to the next few weeks. The holiday spirit is definitely in the air and I'm loving it!

Love you two very much!

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