Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween Festivities

Dear Nathan and Hannah, 
This week has been all about pumpkin patches, pumpkins, and costumes. Towards the end of the week, you both came down with colds, but I think despite the sickness, we maximized our fun. 

For the past 2 years, we have participated in the teal pumpkin project. and this year, we got white pumpkins and painted them teal. We still had candy that we passed out, but we also had glowsticks too. 
Hannah, you wanted to paint your pumpkin teal and purple. I think your favorite color is purple, but sometimes I think it's orange, unless you just really like oranges. Like an average 2 year old, you held your interest in painting the pumpkin for about 2 minutes, and then you  proceeded to paint other things like your hands, the chair...
 Nathan, your attention span is slightly longer, and you insisted on painting your whole pumpkin teal.
 One day, we made slime for our science project. Nathan, you were more interested in making it, and Hannah, you were more interested in playing with it afterwards.

On Friday, I was able to hold a meeting at a playground for about an hour and you two played peacefully together for the whole time. The people I was meeting with were impressed. I was impressed! Perhaps this is a start to a whole new level of playing together. 

 On Saturday, we carved our big pumpkin. Nathan picked out a design with 3 pumpkin faces. Next year, I'm going to have you guys design the pumpkin face on paper, and then carve it.
 Hannah, you got to practice poking holes in the cut out pieces.
 Pretty soon after we finished our pumpkins, Grandma and Grandpa arrived.
That afternoon, we went downtown to the Dia de los muertos festival and we participated in the Children's crafts. 
 Nathan, your sickness started to kick in around this time and from this point on, you've just been so tired. You just quietly sat and colored in this mask for a long time. Usually you are full of words and questions. That day, you were just so mellow.
 On Sunday, we participated in our church's trunk or treat. It was really cool seeing everyone in their costumes.

 And Hannah, you wanted to touch the bunnies. We thought, sure, you want to do it, but after we stand in line and get in the pen, you'll freak out. You totally surprised us and you didn't. You actually enjoyed the whole experience. You held both a bunny and a Guinea pig.

Both of you really were excited about Trick-or-treating, especially after hearing the part about how you will get to do it all again the next day. 

On Monday, Nathan was feeling too sick to go to school, but Hannah was ready. When we asked you, Hannah, what you would prefer to do, you said play with Grandma and Grandpa. So, we participated in the school costume parade and then we took you home. Nathan stayed at home with Grandpa. 

 In the evening, we all dressed up for a family picture. Nathan ended up taking the lion costume off and just rode around in a stroller while Hannah walked the streets, meekly saying, "Trick or treat!" as we approached each of our neighbors' houses.

 When you would get too tired, it was easy to encourage you by saying, "look! more candy!"

 After we went to about 20 houses, we parked in the driveway and passed out candy.
 Nathan sat back and enjoyed a lollipop and Hannah did the work of passing out the candy to the kids.
 We stayed past bedtime, but we knew when it was time to go in as Hannah was screaming, "More M&Ms!!! More candy!"

Now that Grandma and Grandpa are back home, it's back to our normally scheduled lives for now. We have a few things lined up for this week, but Nathan, you've gotta get better before we can do any of it. Rest up.

Hannah is starting to speak in 4-5 word sentences, and is able to problem solve/get anything she wants anywhere. You are now able to unlock and lock doors, open doors, and turn on various electronic devices.

You are starting to enjoy books with a plot as Curious George books are the most requested at bedtime, and I can always get you to sit down when there are princesses involved. You also love playing with your little doll, Goldilocks, and we have even made a little crib for her, right next to your bed.

Well, that's about it for now. Love you two bunches.
Until next week,

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