Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Is Thanksgiving Really Over? Onto Christmas!

Dear Hannah and Nathan,
Seems just like last week when we were parading around the neighborhood in costumes, but alas, Thanksgiving has passed by and we are getting ready for Christmas! Crazy!

This past weekend, we dragged down the tree from the attic and started putting ornaments on it. There were a few hand print ornaments from when you were a baby that you found particularly interesting. Especially how large your hand now is compared to back then.
 We also are able to debut the "Bear-nativity" set. It's already a huge hit with you guys. I love it because Nathan asks questions about it and I get to share the Christmas story through your questions.
 After Hannah woke up from nap, you were able to put a few ornaments on the tree as well.
 While Auntie Momo was here, she brought along her water color pencils. You guys created some pretty neat artwork with them.
 We also went to San Marcos for a quick play/shopping trip.

 Then, when Thursday morning rolled around, I put  both of you to work. I was not about to prepare Thanksgiving meal by myself. Hannah helped prepare the sweet potatoes by seasoning and stacking them in the cupcake tins,

 The boys were on light duty for awhile.
 And then Nathan was put in charge of the table decorations.
 Can you spot the crazy 3 eyed turkey? We had a great meal with friends and you guys did a great job with providing entertainment at the table.
 In the picture above, Hannah was ready for Thanksgiving dinner at 4pm.

On Saturday, we attended the Chuy's Christmas parade. Nathan, after watching part of the Macy's parade on TV, you were not very enthusiastic about attending the Austin one, but afterwards, you told us that you were glad that you went because it was pretty cool.

Hannah, when you saw Emperor Palpatine, you pointed him out and said, "Go-ood!" Proud mommy moment.

 We found a grey front tooth in your mouth. This was probably from the big bonk that happened a few weeks ago at the playground. This explains your crazy behavior a few weeks ago, and how you always had your fingers in your mouth. We'll take you in to get it checked out soon, but I'm sorry for just now noticing it.

Nathan's people picture has evolved a bit too. Now your body parts are pretty well-proportioned (as opposed to the adorably Mr. Potato head like figures from the past). Here you have a person in a transformer.
 In the picture below, you actually drew all the transformer bots, holding hands.
 Hannah you are getting so good at playing make-believe. I can see you mimicking your teachers from school. Here, you are getting ready for story time.
 And then you show us the colors.
Potty training is still where it was 6 months ago. Only now, after you have an accident, you hold both your arms out and assure us, "It's ok!" 

You also really love soup. We've been having more soup these days due to the coldish weather, and I've noticed that you will have as much as we will allow you to have. 

Nathan, you have been trying to convince Hannah to let you sleep in her room with her. For the past few months, she's been refusing you. Today we asked you Hannah, if you would like to sleep with Nathan on his bunk bed. You seem to be a bit excited about this idea, but I'm thinking that you will quickly back out when you find out that the top bunk is not part of the deal. Eh, oh well. Nathan, this will give you extra time and incentive to practice being kind to your sister so that she doesn't think that you will secretly draw spiders all over her body while she sleeps. 

Well, there's much fun to be had before Christmas, so I'll be sure to be documenting as we go. Have a great week! Until next week, 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fabulous Fall

Dear Hannah and Nathan, 
The leaves have started to fall (without turning red) this year. I think the unseasonably warm weather have confused to trees a bit and now they are playing catch up. Except for the 2 days that it rained, we've spent every moment home outside. One afternoon after Daddy got off of work, he raked the leaves up in the front yard. You two decided to help out. 
 In fact, Nathan, you expressed that you like to "spread all the leaves back out" because you don't like the piles. I'm sure Daddy liked that a lot.
 Another morning, we went to a friend's house to play. They have horses for neighbors! Not only did we get to play, we got to feed the horses and even ride around in a tractor.
 One afternoon we went out for lunch. I just love messy eating faces!

 Spaghetti is always just so messy!
 Since the schools are out this week, we've taken advantage of cool mornings to go and play on the school playgrounds. Here, Nathan, you had an idea to recreate angry birds game. I just added the finger for fun.
 Auntie Momo is also in town for Thanksgiving. Today we walked around SoCo (South Congress) and had lunch at a restaurant with swing chairs! It was probably more hassle than fun, but it's not everyday we get to sit on swings for lunch.
Hannah, you are speaking more and more. Your sentences are closer to 5 words, both in English and Chinese. When I say phrases with 5 words or less, you can easily mimic them; but, when they get long, you slur some words together or leave some out all together. It's so interesting how our brains process language.

Nathan, you are pretty much obsessed with Transformers right now. You love to just sit down and play with your transformers for an hour at a time (sometimes more). We've started to watch the transformer bots, a kiddie version of transformers...they are kind of cool because instead of fighting evil bots, they fight social issues like pollution. I think in this case TV has helped spark your imagination because you now take on the personality of each character when you role play with your figures.

Hannah, you just love playing with your babies. It is just so sweet to watch you mimic our daily lives with the babies. Bedtime routines, bath time and even when baby gets hurt, the way you comfort it and talk to it makes me feel like at least I'm doing some things right.

Well, Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I'm sure we'll make lots of memories. Until next week,

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fall Fun

Dear Kids, 
The weather has been absolutely too beautiful to stay indoors, so I decided to make you guys an outside activity table out of PVC pipes and an old under the bed box. The first trial, Nathan and your friend played outside for an hour! That evening Hannah got to try out the box and played for a good 30 minutes before dinner was ready. 

The trip to getting the materials was interesting. I had a list and I budgeted 20 minutes in and out, including a potty break, let's just say we returned to our car an hour later, having visited the potty 3 times (and the PVC pipes are at the farthest back corner of the store). 
For a few days the weather was a bit on the wet side. We still went out to play/go on walks and Hannah, you were especially excited to wear your thrift store find: rain boots. In fact, you want to wear them all the time now. 
 One rainy evening, we made our own pizza. This is pretty much the easiest meal ever. Naan bread, pasta sauce and cheese. Bake in the oven and voila! Pizza.

 Hannah, your drawings are starting to become a bit more detailed. You are very good with drawing little things and often, your paper is filled with little scribbles, as opposed to large strokes.
 You continue to love helping out in the kitchen. Sometimes I don't have too much for you to do, so you just grab things on the counter (or the entire utensils drawer underneath) and make something creative. Like a birthday cake.
 Or a hamburger...
 But when you are given a task, you happily abandon what you were doing to help out. Sometimes this involves stuffing mushrooms,
 or shaking chicken. You love to help out in the kitchen and I love spending the time in the kitchen with you.
Something exciting happened today. We received our new dining room/gaming table that we ordered over a year ago.

It was pretty exciting as you two watched the strong guys (who knew a lot about transformers) unload the table from their truck.
 You guys stood in awe as it was being unpacked.

 And after it was all set up, both of you got to test out the side tables...perfect for kids to eat dinner. Easy to clean off too!
 This past Saturday, Daddy's work hosted a fall festival. It was a lot of fun because we got to see where he works,
 play with some of the staff...
get balloon ray-guns,
 eat foot-long corn dogs and funnel cakes,

popcorn, cotton candy, play carnival games, and have snow cones. I was quite impressed with the whole carnival and I'm sure it created lots of misconceptions about what Daddy does at work.
 Last week we met up with Hannah's God-parents for lunch to celebrate your baptismal birthday. You always love to see your God-brother, but when you guys see each other, you are always so shy towards him. It's cute once you guys warm up to each other though.
 Besides loving singing, cooking in the kitchen and playing with babies, you love looking at your reflection in the tub faucet. It's so cute to watch you make silly faces only to see even sillier reflections.
You also like to line things up. Like babies. 
 And card games, and I've also seen you line up things like blocks too, but I never thought too much about it until Daddy noticed this trend.
Well, we have an exciting day tomorrow, Nathan, you will be performing in your first ever school performance. You will be a pilgrim and I hear you sing pretty loud in class. You have requested that we sit in the front row, so we will do our best to meet your request.

We also have Thanksgiving coming up and this year we'll be staying put and having people come over to our house to celebrate and give Thanks.

I am Thankful for the time I get to spend with you two.
