Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Week 90 Elvis Loving Kids are Back to Normal.

Dear Hannah,
So this craziness that you've been through is about over. You are basically back to your normal self. You were working through a growth spurt, just like Nathan did around this time. In this case, I'm so glad I've been using your week-ages to keep track of posts, because this has helped me anticipate any tough times ahead.

Hannah still loves to play with the neighbor kids. When you leave the house, many of them get so excited and yell, "Hannah!" and that in turn makes you squeal with excitement.

 In addition to playing, you've picked up on a lot of big kid things. Like trying to ride a tricycle,
 skipping rope, and even playing with nerf guns. It's pretty cute watching you imitate the older kids.
 You still love to blow bubbles and often will point to the patio and say "outside, bubbles?"
 You are also getting pretty good at riding a scooter, except when the scooter goes too fast and your feet can't catch up.
 This morning, while Nathan was at school, you asked me to put on Nathan's skate. To my surprise, you did really good on the carpet and was able to walk/roll around awhile.
 And look at that derby stance!
I know you are getting pretty happy to have a sister who can finally play with you. You guys like to play pretend and below, you guys are pretending to sleep while you rest from jumping on the bed.

 One of our favorite things to do is to turn on some upbeat Elvis and dance on the bed. All I have to do is turn on some rock and roll and both of you are squealing all the way to our bedroom.
And you guys are getting better at sharing the stroller too. (The secret is to crowd the stroller with more babies and both of you are happy. 
 On Saturday we went to the annual Touch a truck event. Nathan excitedly ran from one truck to another, while Hannah, a bit overwhelmed with all the honking, hung out in the stroller.

 On Sunday, we went to the Thinkery and spent most of the time in the water room. Nathan was pretty excited to be tall enough to play with all the things.

 And Nathan is no longer afraid of hand dryers!
 This picture shows just how much silliness Hannah has picked up from Nathan. Now when we prompt you to say "cheese!" Hannah sticks her tongue out.
 Sometimes Hannah also gets herself in awkward situations and you don't really help her out.
 But she still loves mimicking you in everything you do.
 Most evenings, we've been able to eat dinner early enough to go out for a bike ride through the neighborhood before bath time. It's a lot of fun for everyone and it's something I look forward to doing.

I simply love spending time with you guys and cherish every one of these moments, because I know that soon, you guys will start soon and these carefree days will become days of the past.

Keep playing!

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