Dear Children,
This week seemed like it was a bit more busier than average. The weather is so nice right now, so I am trying to get us doing more stuff outside as much as possible. One of these activities involve helmets and bikes. Hannah, you actually love being on the bike. You are actually a lot less mischievous than Nathan was. When he was your age, he would kick my behind and pry off the safety bar constantly as we were riding. You just like to look around and point out things, occasionally giving a little squeal of delight.
But you have also been getting into, or shall I say climbing up on anything. But I'd say your favorite thing to climb into would be this activity center.
Whenever I hear things get quiet, the first thing I look for is the activity center and about 80% of the time, you are trying to climb inside. The other 20% of the time, you are climbing up the stairs. In fact, you often will just climb up the stairs and play by yourself for a long time.
You have a pretty good plan, looking all cute and all, you climb in and you wait; wait for someone to see you and push you around the house as you squeal in delight. But really, how could anyone resist this?
Like I said, we've been trying to find excuses to get outside in the afternoons, in the mornings, really, any time. One day we went outside and played with chalk. Nathan, you decided to pick up a roll of toilet paper and trace a circle. Tracing, I didn't even know that you knew that this was a thing.
And after watching Nathan create master artwork on the driveway, Hannah was determined to get to the chalk as well. At first, I kept you away from it, fearing that you would make a feast out of it again, but I decided to trust you and let you have it. You actually picked it up and tried to draw with it.
On Friday, we went over to one of Nathan's best friends house for her 3rd birthday. It was a decorate your cupcake party and they all had a blast. While Ariane's family will be finding sprinkles around their house for months to come, it was so cool watching all the little ones build their fine works of art and devour it with satisfaction. Nathan, you actually sat there admiring your work for about 10 minutes before you asked me if you could eat it. You have amazing patience and will-power.
And of course, Hannah wanted to climb the vacuum cleaner.
On Saturday, we decided to go (along with 2,000 other Austinites) and meet Daniel Tiger. The line was so ridiculous, so we took a picture with the PBS car and went to the Nature Center instead. I think we would've had to wait about 2.5 hours to spend a few minutes (if even) to take a picture with the tiger. Apparently, he got a heat stroke, which slowed things down a bit, but in the end, he was ok.
Nature center turned out to be way more educational and fun. Both of you guys were very interested in the little animals that they had there.
Hannah, you found a magic wand and started to cast spells on the animals. I blame your Harry Potter loving cousin for teaching you this oh so adorable skill.
Then, you two practiced your paleontology skills, as you dug for dinosaur fossils in the sand pit.
Daddy decided to dig a few holes and Hannah just loved crawling in and out, from one hole to another.
After about 30 minutes, we found something. Nathan worked really hard for about 3 minutes to brush off the debris to uncover the hidden gem.
Before we left, we stopped by the indoor portion and Hannah discovered the power of refraction.
On Sunday we went to church and for the past few weeks, Hannah has not been able to stay in the nursery for too long. Separation anxiety plagued this little girl, but for the first time in about 2 months, Hannah was able to stay in the nursery the whole time. Things are starting to look up.
Birthday party season is also about to start. For the next month, we will have 5 birthday parties, including yours, Nathan, to attend. It's going to be crazy, but fun.
Nathan, you've been telling me lately that you don't want to be a boy anymore and you want to be a girl. I've tried to explain to you that God made you a boy for a reason and you seem to have accepted it. You also say that you want long hair like me, so I'm thinking that was what you wanted in the beginning and didn't quite know how to communicate that. Anyways, we are going to let you grow your hair out. We'll see how it goes.
While you were at school, I went to the gym with Hannah, and the ladies at the gym put Hannah's hair in a little "thing" on her head. I don't think it's quite a pony tail, perhaps a unicorn horn? TV antennae? Anyways, the first thing you asked me after you saw her was, "What is that? I want one too." So I tied your hair up with a hair tie and we went on a walk. That little thing was quite amusing to you as you watched your shadow and wiggled your head to see the "thing" wiggle back and forth.

Yesterday, we visited Daddy at work. Hannah, you were very adamant about using a fork to eat your food. You didn't want any help and I put the food on the fork for you, you would take it off and re-pierce it on the tines before putting it in your mouth. We've been experimenting since then and you will pretty much eat anything off the fork. This morning, I put you down for breakfast and you started slinging food off the chair, but as soon as I put a fork on the table, you returned back to your civilized self and ate your food in peace.
Before we visited Daddy at work, we went to story time at the library where Hannah shocked everyone when you started to sign the hand motions to almost all of the songs that we sing at story time. You really love music.
What am I going to do with the 2 of you! I love you guys to bits and pieces. I look forward to the many adventures to come. Have a great week!