Dear Hannah and Nathan,
These summer days are passing by so quickly. I'm finding it easier to fill our days with fun stuff, and I think back to about 2 years ago, some days seemed to just drag on and on. I'm really loving the more mature versions of you two because we can now do more cool things. For example, just yesterday, we all dressed up like cows and went to chick-fil-a for their cow appreciation day. Nathan is at an age where you got totally excited about wearing a cow costume and you along with your friend, Abigail, were moo-ing here and there and singing the Old McDonald song. Hannah is still too young to understand what is going on, but you definitely reaped the benefits of this day and finished an entire kids meal by yourself. (Grilled chicken nuggets + fruit cup).
Amy and I weren't quite sure how crazy things would be at the restaurant and for the level of business they had that day, things went really smoothly. We were all impressed by their efficiency and customer service. All the kiddos ate their meals happily and we all had a great time. Both Nathan and Abi did NOT like it when the cow mascot came around to give everyone hugs. As you finished up the last remains of your waffle fries, both of you cautiously tracked the cow out of the corner of your eye as it moved from table to table.
Because it was so crowded, we didn't get a chance to take a really great photo, so we did it after we got home.
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Thank You, Chick-fil-a! |
This past weekend we had another baby toddler big kid party. While there were a few tantrums thrown due to the coveting of certain toys, we tried to make these instances learning moments.
Hannah also go to play with someone her own age. In fact, Gus is only 2 day older than Hannah and wears a lot of his big sister's clothes.Gus is actually wearing shorts that Nathan wore...last summer. Wow, both of you younger siblings have chunky thighs.
We are missing one of the kids in this picture, but every party, we try to get a picture of everyone together. This is the best we could do that day.
After naps, we decided to go outside and play. We've been pretty lucky this summer in that temperatures have not gone up past 95. In the shade, it's absolutely wonderful. I decided to let Nathan try playing lacrosse. You were pretty excited and enjoyed throwing the ball. You are slowly getting the hang of it.
Hannah has started to clap this week on command. You get so happy when you do it. I even caught you practicing in your crib after nap. One afternoon, I hear these little squeals coming from your room and so I turn on the monitor and there you were, clapping your hands together.
The second part of the video is better, but you know to clap your hands after I say or sing"Pie, Pie Shou."
A few days ago, we met up with some neighbors at the Wildflower center. Nathan had a blast playing with boys a bit older than he is.
They had so much fun playing together, the boys even came over after naps to play some more.
One of the reasons we became friends was so that Nathan could have other kids to speak Chinese with, but when they get together, they all just speak English. Oh well.
One day this week Hannah had a really rough day. I still don't know what was wrong, but you were in some sort of pain and wanted to be near me all day. You took 2 short, 30 minute naps that day on a day where I needed you to take your normal 2 hour nap. Nevertheless, I ended just wearing you while I got what I needed to do done. Grapes seamed to be the only thing that would stop you from crying so I gave some to you in a little teether and you were for the most part happy. At one point, you reached up and surprised me when you stuck the teether in my mouth. I thought it was hilarious so I had to take a picture.
When Nathan woke up, you two did so good, keeping each other company: Nathan cut some grapes in half for Hannah and both of you just sat and ate grapes happily for about 15 minutes.
I am just so shocked at how mobile and mature Hannah is getting. You are really starting to explore and try to understand how things work. While Nathan and I are working on crafts, you are totally happy exploring the play room and trying new things out.
We've gone swimming a few times this week and Nathan is reluctant to jump in the water if the floaties are available. But I always make you jump at least 2 times before we leave and after you make your first jump, you just wants to do it over and over again, like you forgot how fun it is to jump. I'm actually still not 100% sure that if you fell in the pool you would be able to save yourself. Whenever you jump in, you forget to kick your feet back up so that your body is more horizontal. When you are vertical, you can't swim very well and it worries me that I have to push your head a bit forward to get you into a good swimming position. We'll keep practicing.
Well, that's about it for now. Stay cute and as Nathan always says to us before bed, "I love you forever. I don't want you to get burnt. I want to keep you forever."
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