Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smiling and Cooing at 12 Weeks

Dear Nathan,
You are learning to become a better big brother. For the most part, you are helpful and kind. Like when Hannah is playing on her activity mat and you will help her turn the music back on once it stops. 

 The only times that I've notice you be rough with her are when you don't want her to do something. For example, if she is sitting next to you and you want her to go away, you will hit her. I just realized this and we had a talk about using words instead of hitting, so we'll see how well that message resonates with you.

Aunt Momo came to meet Hannah this weekend and brought you a few little gifts. Among one of them is a football. You really like it, I guess that's what we get for raising you in Texas.

I haven't written too much about your eating habits lately because they haven't changed much. You continue to try most things, but if it's green, you tend not to try it. You have learned to describe foods that  are sweet, salty and spicy (which you often use to describe foods you don't really like too). You love popcorn. One of the first things you say to me every day after your nap is "Popcorn?" 

You are talking a lot more. This week you are up to using 2-3 and even sometimes 4 word phrases in both chinese and english. In fact, it's pretty cool when you translate something that we say in english into chinese (or vice-versa). Reading is now a bit different because in the past you would only be able to point to something that we say out to you, but now you are pointing out things and identifying them. Sometimes you even make connections between what is in the book and things in real life. That is pretty cool. 

A few weeks ago, I gave you a bath and you showed me how you like to slide down the slanted wall of the bathtub (which really isn't that tall) and across the bathtub floor baseball-style. You splash a lot and have lots of fun doing it. I don't remember ever having that much fun during bath time. Usually Daddy gives you your bath, but occasionally, I like to give you a bath just to see what new things you are doing in there. You surprise me each and every time. 

A few days ago, I came across pictures of daddy when he was a kid. We sat down and looked through them and realized that from your nose and up, you look just like daddy when he was a kid. Just thought I'd mention it because that's kind of cool. 

Dear Hannah, 
You are just getting cuter and cuter each week. Well, I'm going to start the letter off with some great news: you don't have to wear your brace anymore. In fact, the doctor said that everything looks so good that we can even swaddle you and treat you just like a normal baby. 

As a result, your nighttime sleep has improved. You are now consistently sleeping for 5+ hours (which according to some books is "sleeping through the night"), waking up to nurse for 15 minutes, and sleep for 3+ hour stretches afterwards. You generally fall asleep around 8:00 pm and wake up for the day around 8:30 am . As far as naps go, the morning naps are still a bit sporadic, but in the afternoons, I can count on a 3 hour nap from about 1 or 2 until 4ish. In fact, on Saturday, I was able to go shopping at a craft fair sans children. It was kind of nice. 

You are so much more alert than you have ever been and you've started to coo a lot more. You coo when we talk to you and you coo when you are by playing by yourself. 

 You are just way more aware of your surroundings. Last night I gave you your bath in our bathroom. As soon as I put you down, your eyes were drawn to your reflection in the mirror and they were fixated there pretty much the whole time. It was so cute I had to take a picture.

On most days, things go really well. Both of you are happy and content. I've come to accept and come to peace with things that used to be slightly frustrating. For example, a normal 5-10 minute walk to the mailbox will now take about 30-45 minutes if Nathan is walking and not in his stroller. Nathan now wants ice in his water. Always.

But there have been days where both kids just need my undivided attention. When this happens, it's usually me trying coax Nathan out of a tantrum with a hungry baby latched onto me. And to add on to the stress, in the back of my mind I am reminded that the house is a mess and dinner still needs to be prepped. To get through days like those, I just have to stop, breathe, pray for patience, and breathe again. Eventually one of the kids stop crying or fussing and the other one quickly follows. Either that, or its nap time, 10 minutes early!

Well, that's about it for this week. I love you both so much, but each in different, but indescribable ways. Until next week,


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