You are definitely becoming more alert during the day. You definitely like being carried around in the baby carrier. When we go to the store, I carry you around and you pretty much drift in and out of sleep.
Your desire to suck on your fingers has grown and so I tried giving you the sophie giraffe. You took to it and started sucking on the legs just like your brother did.
When you are awake, you babble all the time. It seems like you are more talkative than Nathan was when he was your age.
Here's a brief video of you talking away. I have better videos, but the file is too big to post on this site.
We've been trying to get you back to an 8 pm bedtime and it seems like the past few days have been successful. You have a mild cold, so maybe that's why you've been sleeping in a bit in the mornings, but for the most part, you will sleep from 8-7:30 with 1 dream feed around 10:30 and then wake up once around 3. Pretty good.***
Dear Nathan,
Your imagination is getting pretty good. We were having pancakes the other day and you held up a piece of pancake and said "train." Indeed, it kind of looked like a train.
Later on in the week, while playing with Daddy, you were taking your Thomas train around the playroom and saying "That's me" when Thomas would "find" himself. For example, here Thomas found himself on the cover of a book.
Then he found himself on your toothpaste tube.
And your scooter..
And the floor puzzle.
You have been getting over a cold this week, and luckily it has been a pretty mild one. You seem to have symptoms for 2-3 days and then you got better. I guess your immune system is now stronger.
This week, your best friend came over to play. You were so excited that they were coming that you shrieked as you ran to greet them. Abigail wanted to hold baby Hannah, so together you guys held her for a picture. Sooo cute.
Since Daddy took off this week, you guys have had some good bonding moments together, including playing Kerble space program. After playing it for the first time, it was all you would talk about. Suddenly "spaceship," "moon," "crash," and "alien" became part of your vocabulary. While eating, you would bring it up and babble about what you remember from when you guys first played.
I think it's pretty cool that you get to be exposed to the idea of the moon being a place that you can fly to. Up until I was way older, the moon was just a thing in the sky that I shouldn't point to. My parents told me that if you pointed at the moon, your ear would be sliced off. This idea, along with many ideas from Chinese folklore made no sense, but I wasn't going to risk my ear and even today, I hesitate a bit before pointing to the moon.
You are becoming more adventurous as "try?" has become a huge part of your vocabulary. When we tell you that you can't do something, you immediately will ask us "try?" If it's harmless, we usually let you try, but there have been a few times like when you wanted to use scissors, where we had to be firm and say, "No." Oh, you even wanted to "try" a few leaves from a salad! Yay!
Well, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I sure am thankful for 2 happy and healthy children. Even though I don't have too much time to myself, I have to remind myself that these early moments are truly precious and will pass by before I know it.
Better go help Daddy clean up the house for company. Until next week!