Here's a video of him on the jumpy chair chewing on his Chon rubber squeaker.
I think one of the babies in our centering group already has teeth. I'm not looking forward to the day Nathan decides to bite down while nursing.

He is still going strong, as far as head and neck muscles go. In fact, this week he has started to wiggle and scoot while he is in his crib. When I would go to him for his one night feeding, I would often find him jammed up against the head of the crib. Online articles recommend tilting the mattress a bit, but I'm going to just let him crawl a bit for now since he has not hurt himself too much (As far as I can tell).
As far as other milestones go, he can now roll from his back to his side. Although, there was this one time when his head was laying on my lap and his body on the ground and he rolled over onto his tummy. This happened twice.
Sleep is still pretty much the same. He is waking up at 3 for a feeding and sleeps until 7-7:30, which I am happy with. He used to be able to sleep pretty much anywhere, but now, it seems like he will only sleep in his crib. This makes later nights out a bit more difficult. It seems like we need to be home by 7:30 at the latest, or we will have a super cranky baby on our hands.
Nathan is also starting to squeal. I've been playing music more often because I read that music helps foster math skillz. And since my kid is half Asian he better be good at math. We've been using Pandora and one of my favorite stations is Sesame Street Beetles. This station plays so many songs from my childhood and it's fun to watch Nathan laugh as I jiggle and dance with him.
I am looking to this weekend because we will be having another baby party. This time, it will be a potluck brunch.
This week I kind of had an identity crisis. After talking to a neighbor and discussing how I feel like I finally have this mom thing/routine down, I felt a bit disappointed. Thinking back to my glorious teaching days when everyday was full of unexpected and interesting events, I find my current life predictable and routine. In the past, I had many opportunities to mold young minds, and today, I am in charge of molding only one young mind. Then, I read an article, that described exactly what I tried to describe, but in a more well written way, and felt a bit better about this shift of identity. I guess e very mom goes through this rite of passage and I've come to realize that it's a good change.
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