Friday, April 22, 2022

Hailey's Heart Update, Easter and Major Milestones.

Dear Kiddos, 
This past week we had an appointment with the cardiologist to make sure you big kids don't have the same heart condition that Hailey has. You both have completely normal hearts and things look good. 
Hailey, the cardiologist is even more convinced after this visit that you may not have HCM, but that your thickened heart muscle is due to a membrane. She had suspected this before, but was told by another doctor that he didn't think this was the case. Well, something changed and she's seeing more evidence and will bring your case before 50 other cardiologist to discuss the best course forward. If they agree with her that you have an extra membrane blocking the flow of blood out of your ventricles and into your aorta, open heart surgery will be in your future. We will probably know in a month or so what the plan moving forward will be. 

The visit to the cardiologist took 3.5 hours. You guys did a pretty good job of not revolting and were able to keep each other company. Afterwards, we got some vegan ice cream and somebody was very excited about not having to sit out.  

For Easter, Hannah, you wanted to make something sweet so I basically told you, "go for it!" You looked up the recipe, measured out the ingredients, filled the cupcake liners and decorated the muffins. I basically just put the pan into the oven for you. 
We had smoothies for brunch and this was a legit smoothie-stache. I just had to snap a photo. Enjoy the preview of what you will look like as an adult! 
You girls had been begging to go to the pool and so I made a bet that you two wouldn't last 15 minutes in the cold pool. Well, you both proved me wrong. Blue lips and all, you two splashed and jumped in and out of the pool for about an hour before we went home. 

This was Hailey's first public Easter egg hunt. You were very focused on collecting all the eggs! 

Our neighborhood set up a great event with an Easter egg hunt and super cool photo op. 

You big kids even made a little scavenger hunt for Hailey at home. She was super excited to find the clues that led to all the eggs being found. 

We also dyed Easter eggs. Nathan, you didn't think you would enjoy it, but ended up wanting to colore more eggs. 
You 3 had some good family time together over Easter weekend. We didn't have any obligations so we were really able to just rest and reflect on the real reason of the Easter season. 

I wanted to capture the moment below to remember how excited you guys get about reading the back of cereal boxes. I can usually hear Hannah reading the captions to Hailey. 

So some big milestones happened since my last post. Nathan, you were finally able to score a run after a legitimate hit that wasn't a walk. In kid pitch baseball, it certainly is difficult when you don't know where the ball is going to be. It was a beautiful line drive down the 3rd base line. 
Hannah, you tried out for the gymnastics team and made it! This summer you start 2 hour training, 2 times a week. 
Hailey, you are now able to ride your rainbow bike on your own! You sometimes have trouble with putting your feet down after stopping, but we can slowly work on that. 

You 3 are the joy of my heart and I'm so happy to be your mom. Until next time, 