Thursday, July 26, 2018

Cave Trekking, Carb Loading, and Play Spectating at 43 Weeks (Almost 10 Months)

Dear Hailey, 
You've been with us almost 10 months. In fact, you've been alive for about 26 million seconds and last night you slept the longest stretch of sleep in your whole life: 7 hours! This is looking good. You've been waking up about 2 times each night and as a result, I'm better rested, less grumpy, and more motivated overall. I blame myself for not taking advantage of the long stretch of sleep, and instead watched another episode of OISNB, but even if my longest stretch was 4 hours, I still feel pretty well rested. Let's hope this trend continues. 

I'm not sure what caused this, but for 2 days, I just followed your schedule and I let you sleep as late as you want. The books advise to wake up at a certain time, but I decided to just let you catch up on sleep as much as possible, even if it meant a 9 pm bedtime. Or, it could've been because we went swimming. In fact, all the kids slept in later today until 8:00. 

I know sleep is so important, that's why I stress so much. These past few days you are getting in between 13 and 14 hours of sleep, which is ideal. When you do get at least 13 hours, you are happier, giggle, and just more interactive.
 9 Years and a week ago, Mommy and Daddy got married. We celebrated at home with you guys. Hannah was the photographer for the following picture:
 Hailey is preferring table food more now. You especially like carbs. Pasta, bread, tortillas are all your favorite. You also enjoy some softer meats and peas. Girl, you love peas!
 This past week has been hot! I think the record high was 110 degrees. We decided to drive to longhorn Caverns to let you guys experience a cave. It was nice and cool down there.

Before our tour, we climbed up a tower to see the state park area.
 This is the entrance to the cave.
 The queen's dog, which is supposedly a natural formation.
 And a tiny little bat. I think it's the second smallest species of bats in the world. The guy described it as a burnt chicken nugget. You guys thought that was pretty funny.

 Hailey was pretty much asleep for most of the tour.
You both did really well in the cave and for the most part, did a good job staying focused and not complaining. On the way back out of the cave (last 15 minutes of the tour) the whining started to become more apparent. Luckily, we parked close and were able to get out quickly. 

On Monday I pretty much made Hannah's day when I cut a watermelon in half and gave it to you with a spoon stuck inside. You looked at it with your eyes so wide and asked, "This is all for me?!?!" 

Nathan, who doesn't even like watermelon saw it and wanted one so you could make a bowl out of it. 

 On Tuesday morning, we went to another Austin library to watch a play that we didn't get to see a month ago: If wishes were fishes. This was a very nice library with a great selection of books. It seems like we got the short end of the stick when it comes to libraries. The shelves at our library are usually only half filled with books and if I am ever wanting a specific book, I have to reserve it on-line. Lame. Well, ours is closing for a year for renovations starting next month, so maybe we'll see an improvement.

Hailey, you pretty much woke up on Monday a chatty little girl. Hannah, it looks like you have another sibling who loves to talk. Sorry.
 The big kids sat up front and giggled, and laughed for the 45 minute show. Hailey took a quick snooze during the show.

Yesterday, some friends joined us at our neighborhood pool. Hannah is now tall enough to touch the bottom of the pool! This is a pretty cool milestone because now this means you will be even more comfortable in the water and not as clingy. 

 This morning I introduced you guys to the crayon sharpener. Who knew sharpening crayons could be so much fun! All of our crayons are in great shape right now. We actually saved the shavings and put them outside to see if they will melt into a new rainbow crayon.
Today we went to AMD to visit Daddy at work. We get our usual pizza, quesadillas and Philly cheesesteaks with sides of onion rings and tater tots.
 Afterwards, we went down to the arcade to play for a bit. Nathan, your skee-ball game has improved greatly! The adults who were also playing made a comment about how you are even better then them. And Hannah, your arm is getting stronger so your balls are now actually getting you points. Keep it up girl!

This week we are still working on using our words. Hannah is still defaulting to screaming when things don't go your way, but we are slowly trying to help you understand that screaming is just going to make the adults be annoyed. I have noticed that you guys are not showing a lot of empathy, and I think it comes from me being more "cold" to you guys especially when you are hurt or sad. I am actually trying to show more empathy, acknowledging how you feel and asking if you need help calming down.

As a result of me being more empathetic and just more patient in general, I have found that Hannah, you've been saying "OK" more often as opposed to "NO!" I really need to remind myself that Hannah, you really are a pretty reasonable kid. I just need to take the time an work through ideas with you.

With Hailey, I have finally figured out a good groove. Once I realized that you are a slightly different breed of baby compared to your older brother and sister, and figured out your specific needs (rather than trying to make you fit in with what worked with Nathan and Hannah) things got a bit better.

Well, we are going to have an exciting 2 weeks ahead with visitors, and then after one more week, Nathan will be starting Kinder. Crazy!

Well, until next week,

Friday, July 20, 2018

Recovery from the Runs

Dear Kids, 
It's been just an odd week with sickness. Starting on Thursday evening, Hannah started to get a case of the runs. A few days later, Nathan started, and then Hailey ended up having it on and off throughout the week. Besides one trip to HEB and the library, we have pretty much stayed home all week. 

Our day typically looked like this: 

Breakfast and then playground for 30- 45 minutes while it is cool (before Hailey's first nap). 
Go home, and we do some sort of crafty activity while Hailey sleeps. 

Hailey wakes up and while I feed her, you two big kids are allowed to play loudly and crazily. And then at some point, right before you are about to murder each other, I have a snack ready for you guys. 
We play upstairs for a bit and then I go down to make lunch, trying to come up with new combinations of the BRAT diet: toast with apple sauce. Toast strips, dipped in yogurt. Chicken broth with rice, Toast dipped in Chicken broth. Yogurt and applesauce rice get the idea. 

After lunch we play a bit upstairs before it's time for Hailey's second nap. It's been interesting to watch Nathan and Hannah play make-believe. Somehow you two can create a world where barbies and lego mini-figures that work together to fight evil villains, and you all reside cooperatively in a giant pink doll house. Hailey usually ends up being that evil villain as she tries to eat your people.

And then in the afternoon, when Hailey takes her long nap, you guys get to have about an hour of screen time and then we find something else quiet to do. Sometimes it's a craft, but most of the time it is a board game. We introduced Nathan to Settlers and you have won pretty much every game so far. While Hannah usually gets bored with playing board games, you actually enjoy being the banker as you distribute and collect the resources throughout the game. Does it extend the play time by a lot (like double)? Yes, but I don't mind because you are actually enjoying the role and we get to hang out together. 

After Hailey wakes up, we all have a snack and then take Teddy out for a walk. We come home, the big kids, you guys play crazy again and Daddy comes home around 5:30. We have dinner around 6:15.

At 7:00 we start bath time and usually Hailey is asleep by 7:30. On these days, I get to complete a reading lesson with Nathan, while Daddy reads stories with Hannah.

Every one for the most part is in bed by 8:15, if not already asleep and then you guys wake up at around 7:00 the next morning to do it all again.

While couped up at home for a week we've all had a chance to work on some things. I have been working on patience. Instead of snapping at you guys when you do something undesirable, I've been practicing on pausing, assessing the true damage (which usually is so insignificant) before I calmly talk to you about your behavior. With Hailey sleeping a bit better, I can no longer use the "lack of sleep" card to justify my grumpiness.

With Nathan, you've been working on identifying the times when you show "ill will" towards another person or thing. Sometimes when you get angry, I can see this little furrow in your brow and you will do something small just to pay revenge. We've been identifying those instances, and trying to come up with alternate solutions.

Hannah, you've always been a "Curious George." Things just happen because you are curious. I know you don't mean for bad things to happen, but when your 3 year old  pre frontal cortex is not quite fully developed, you will do things like randomly hit eggs with a spatula, and drop watermelons on the ground. So, we've been working on identifying the purpose of certain tools around the house, and not being too "creative" with using them. I don't want to stifle your creativity, but I also want things to work around the house.

Another thing we've been working on is not screaming when things don't go your way. Both you and Nathan need to work on using your words a bit better, but I know that skill will take time.

Well, hopefully we'll have a more eventful week next.

Until then,

Update: Hailey had/has Roseola. We just noticed a rash all down her trunk area. This explains the diarrhea and fever.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Daddy's Birthday Week

Dear Kids, 
Man, I am not doing a great job at posting consistently. It's been kind of a crazy week at the Havlir household mostly good, but some bad too. 

A few days ago, we got some good storm systems pass through, which cooled us down a bit. We took advantage of this by going on a short family bike ride. Nathan is still a bit nervous when riding the bike, but you are starting to regain your confidence back. 
Hailey, you are pretty indifferent while riding in the back and Hannah, you pretty much love doing anything that involves be not in the house. 
Hannah, your sense of style has been quite interesting. You've really enjoyed designing dresses with tulle and wearing them around the house all day. It's quite adorable. 
 Another adorable thing is how much of a messy eater you still are. It doesn't matter what you are eating, it could be ice cream, cherries, or chocolate chips, but without a doubt, you will somehow always get food all over your mouth. I have no idea how it happens, but I look over and see this:

And while we are on the topic of eating, lets check out Hailey's acrobatic skills of balancing on the edge of the high chair. So far you have not fallen, but we have lowered the high chair to the lowest position and leaned it against the wall just to be safe. You've been staying put lately, so I think the risky, sit on the edge of your seat (literally) was just a phase. 

This past Saturday we went to Home Depot to participate in their monthly build (and to buy Daddy's birthday present). So every time you participate, you earn a pin to put on your apron and we just found out that once you reach 10, 25, and 50 projects, you get a special pin. Nathan had 13, so he was able to get a 10 project pin, but Hannah, you were 1 project short. Next time. 

 This past Sunday was Daddy's birthday. We made him a cake, his favorite dinner, and had a small family birthday party.

 The two older kids are really getting to enjoy Hailey and Hailey just adores you big kids. Currently, I think Hailey likes Nathan a bit better because he's had more practice with understanding when babies don't like something. Hannah is still figuring that out.
 Hailey remains very social and is still not shy to strangers.

 On Tuesday, we took advantage of the cooler weather and visited the Nature Center. It's been awhile since we've been and I think now that you all are older, you definitely appreciate it and get more out of the experience. I think this is a place we will visit more often.
 Hailey, you got to experience sand for the first time sitting up. Last time we were in a sandy spot, you were still too young to even care to explore.
 For the first time, you guys went wading in the little creek. At the beginning, both of you were very timid, afraid to slip into the cool running water, but once you got your footing, Nathan was even running up and down the creek.
 We briefly looked at some animals before we had to head home for the day.
 Hailey spent time in the stroller and took a short nap in the carrier. We've been trying to make naps a priority for you so I think you are starting to develop a good sleep schedule. It's still not perfect and shifts from day to day, but you are sleeping an average of a little less than 13 hours each day. It's not the 14-15 hours that the books recommend, but you are happy and meeting your milestones, so that'll be it for now.
 On Thursday, we visited California Pizza Kitchen for their make your own pizza and Kitchen tour experience. It was quite crazy because across the restaurant, Build a bear was holding a special event, which was quite crazy, but at least our group got our own little section of the restaurant, so at least our crazy was contained a bit.

 It was pretty neat to go visit the kitchen. I was surprised at how small the space back there was.
 That evening, we realized that Hannah was starting to get sick. Hailey seemed to have it too (it ended up being loose stools due to teething) and on top of everything, Daddy got sick with flu-like symptoms as well. It was kind of a crazy evening. Hannah, you were soiling your pants every 10 minutes, and after an afternoon of using the bathroom, your bottom was raw and painful. Hailey's bottom was in a similar state. It seemed like all I was doing was cleaning up messes.

I needed to get you all bathed and Hailey did not want to be put down. So at one point, I was holding Hailey in my left arm, while Hannah, you were sitting on the potty, hugging the right side of my body. The feeling of "woe is me" starts to creep in. But then Hannah toots and this causes Hailey to let out a huge belly giggle. We all look at each other and started to laugh. This was the toot that saved my sanity.

The next day, Hannah, you were just cranky and tired. At one point, I found you in our bedroom, lying on top of a pair of Daddy's pants, with the laundry basket on top of you. You actually fell asleep in that position. You must have been so tired.
 Nathan is at lesson 80 out of 100 of reading lessons. You really enjoy these lessons and you are so motivated by being able to read. Every night, you ask if we can complete a lesson. Sometimes we just don't have time, and you get so disappointed. You love "-ing" words for some reason and you tell me each time we come across one. I've really enjoyed our time together and I'm so glad that I get to share this gift of reading with you.
Well, that's about it. It's been a crazy, adventurous week. I'm praying that everyone starts to feel better soon. Until next week,

Friday, July 6, 2018

Hailey is 9 Months + a Week

Dear Hailey,
Last week was your 9 month birthday and after visiting the doctor, you are back on the 25% growth chart for weight and 60% in height. You are back on track! Yay! 

You are saying mama, dada, baba, and vava. Of course you don't know what you are referring to, but you are now communicating beyond blowing raspberries. Oh, you are also pointing at things to show you want to see it, or know about it. 
You are now also crawling, well, sorta. I think I would call it more, butt scooting. But you are pretty efficient with it. The only problem areas are places with high friction, but anything smoother than carpet works well for you. 
 This is the position you scoot. right leg bent for support, left leg pushes.
You are really starting to explore the world around you. You love kicking and feeling the wood chips beneath your feet. 

Since we are on birthdays, let's fast forward to Saturday when we celebrated our friend's 2nd birthday! There was a giant water slide and you all just had a blast. You all were like energizer bunnies and just went again and again. 
 I love their shaded yard, with tree swings, and a garden. The perfect place to relax outside on a hot day.

 And of course, every cool party has a pinata.

 This week at super fun school, our topic was gardening. The girls first cooled down in the pool for a bit until it just got too hot outside.
 You all learned about the different parts of plant. You also looked at a table full of edible plant parts.

 We learned about problem solving with the crow and the pitcher fable and then we learned about displacement with water beads.
 And then you guys built sight words with leaf letters.

On Tuesday night, we went to the field by our house to watch some fire works. A few friends joined us and we had some fun with some sparklers.
The next morning, while Hailey took a nap, the big kids participated in the neighborhood parade. 
 And to follow the tradition, you both got to enjoy some snow cones.

 On Sunday we made Hannah's idea come true. A week ago, Daddy and Hannah visited a lemonade stand in the neighborhood and later in the week, you decided that you wanted to have a lemonade stand too. You had a great idea to make rainbow lemonade. So, we made it happen.

Sunday morning, before church, we squeezed the lemons...

 And in the afternoon Hannah, you and I set up the table with the signs that you made. And for an hour we manned the table before Nathan joined us towards the end. One of your best friends also came by and hung out for a bit. We had decided to raise money for comfort cases and I'm the end, we were able to raise $50!

Yesterday we went to the Asian market, which is always an adventure. First we had lunch and then we went shopping.

We picked up assume exotic fruits like lychee and jack fruit.

We started to watch this show in Netflix called Nailed it. Home bakers try to recreate a professionally made desert. So this morning I challenged both of you to each make a beach cake.

I called out the recipe and with some help, you guys measured out the ingredients, mixed and decorated your cakes.
Which of you nailed it?

Well, that's about it for now. Hailey's sleeping a little bit longer at night (3-4 hour stretches) so I don't feel like a zombie as much. 

Until next week, 