My Dear Beloved Children,
It is such a joy to see how you two are growing up to be two different little people. However, occasionally, I see similarities. You both like to suck on blankets...
You both love each other...And both of you guys like to knock down block towers. Hannah, is a bit sneaky too. She "pretends" to be playing with sleigh bells.
And the moment you aren't looking, whack!
But Hannah overall just really adores Nathan. She will just watch him play and Nathan loves to show off to his little sister.
Sometimes Nathan loves to climb into the crib and play with Hannah when she wakes up from her nap. He plays peek-a-boo and tickles her. It's is just adorable.
When I remember, I like to put Hannah next to a baby doll that we have. I took this a few days ago. Below is a picture from 4 months ago. She was smaller than the baby, now she is just a tad bigger.
Dear Hannah,
This was your first Chinese New Year, we didn't do much, but you turned 6 months old on the official new year and we totally just stayed home and celebrated with some dumplings and noodles. It has also been a pretty cold past few days, so we've just been chilling in the house.
You also had your 6 month check up and everything is going just as it should. You are about 15 pounds, and 26 inches long. You are smiling a lot, but not giggling, or doing any laughing. I'm thinking since you are ahead in other milestones, the laughter will just come later.
You are sitting up unassisted for quite some time.
You love to play with toys while sitting up.
We made sure to wear your cool fuzzy Chinese shoes for Chinese New Year.
You love playing with the rattle given to you by Mrs. Nesby. You love shaking it and putting it in your mouth.
We have started a few solids. Oatmeal mixed with breastmilk and sweet potato. You also really like strawberries. You also like to chew on baby carrots. I kind of think you are starting to teethe. Your gums are a bit more swollen, but other than that, you aren't terribly fussy yet.
It's incredible how much you love to explore and play with toys. You love manipulating things and looking at things from different angles.
You also like to look outside the window at the trees dancing in the wind.
(Sorry for all these pictures, we've been cooped up for awhile and you guys are just too cute!)
And you really like bath, you love bath time. Splashing, and playing with toys are your favorite.
Dear Nathan,
It's been fun hanging out with you at home these past few cold days. Usually we are rushing around, running errands, but we have been spending lots of quality time together. We've worked on fine motor skills by making bracelets. After making a blue one for yourself (blue is your favorite color), you decided that you wanted to make one for your friend Abigail (a mostly pink one because she likes pink.)
You love playing with play-doh. 45 minutes was the longest time that you've been occupied with the dough. You love to make little babies, and cut things with scissors and cookie cutters.
You also love playing with rocket launchers. You think they are the silliest things and squeal each time you launch one.
You've also been doing very well with potty training. We've been able to wear undies all day (except for naps). As long as we take you to the potty every 45 minutes, you are good. One day, while you were on the potty, I walked away to do something and when I returned, I found that you had scooted to...
You think it's pretty hilarious to scoot around on your potty. The next step is just being able to tell us when you need to go potty. I think this will take awhile, but I'm happy with our current system.
You have just gotten over a cold and it seems like you are now getting a new one. Hopefully, this will be the last one of the season. It's tough seeing you cough and sniffle. And it is so difficult for me to keep you away from Hannah when you just want to play with her.
I've decided to keep Nathan home over the summer and not enroll him in the pre-school. It seems like the days that he does go to school, I don't really get to spend much time with him. Since Hannah will start to become more interactive and playful, I want them to be able to play together for as long as possible. After all, I am staying at home so I can spend time with my children, right?
The weather is warming up in the next few days, so I expect for us to be playing outside more.
I love you both much! <3