Dear Nathan,
As the Christmas season approaches, there are lots of fun things for kids to do. One night, you finally got a chance to ride a school bus! Boy, were you excited. We met up with a few friends for dinner and we headed to the Buda trail of lights. Personally, I liked the Wimberley displays better, but the lights were ok. When we arrived, we were able to immediately hop on a shuttle bus. By the time we left, there was a super long line to ride the shuttles. It seems like we usually get to places right before there are long lines. This happens a lot when we go to places like restaurants.
Our friends had brought a few glow sticks for the kids and it was super fun to watch you guys play with them like they were light sabers. You guys definitely had more fun with the light sabers than you did looking at the lights. But I'd say riding the bus was the highlight of the evening.
The next day, we went to the airport to fly to Chicago to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We arrived at the airport super early and play area at the Dallas Love Field airport was pretty integral in making the 3 hours go by quickly. For most of the time, you would pretend that the plane would crash and you would fix it with an imaginary hammer. We had the whole play area to ourselves for a good part of the time, and then more friends joined later.
About an hour before boarding, we went to look at the planes. You were just mesmerized with the planes, trucks, and people. And then finally, it was time for us to board. We looked at the long line of planes lined up on the tarmac, getting ready to take off. When the plane started to accelerate, you exclaimed, "too fast!" you were excited, didn't look too scared, but your little hand gripped daddy's hand very tightly.
When the lights outside the window disappeared, we had our dinner, ate some snacks and drank some juice. By then, half of the flight was over and then you got to watch a Thomas the train movie.
For the past few weeks, you have been fighting bedtime. Daddy figured out that maybe you were afraid of the dark and just didn't know how to express it, so ever since we put a night light in your room, bedtime is back to being a peaceful routine.
You continue to be quite the backseat driver. When we are driving, you will tell us to "go, " "slow down, [mommy or daddy]," "too fast," "faster." You also continue to make requests to hear certain songs from the chinese kids' song CD. You can be quite demanding.
Dear Hannah,
Can you believe it? Tomorrow, you turn 4 months old! This time has gone by so quickly.
This past weekend, you got to come along and attend Nathan's monthly baby party gathering. It is so cool to see the difference between you and Gus (another friend who was only born a few days before you) and your older brother and sister, respectively. Pretty soon, you will be as crazy as they are!
You are getting pretty good at holding your head up and you are happy for most of the time, except for car rides at night. You just don't like moving in the dark, I guess.
I guess the reason that I'm making this post late is that you've been going through a rough patch. I'm not quite sure if it is teething, sickness, or growth spurt, but you've been wanting to eat every 1-2 hours and have been napping for no more than 30 minutes. Just last night, you woke up 4 times to nurse. I'm thinking it is the famous 4 month sleep regression period. Nathan went through the same thing when he was about 4 months and today, you are 4 months old. I am actually getting a chance to update the blog because you are asleep, and actually have been asleep since 11:30, (2.5 hours) which is the longest stretch you have slept in the past 24 hours. More updates on how the rest of the week pans out later.
Well, I guess that's about it. we have some exciting plans for the next few days. Until next week, be gentle and sweet.